Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Who would you drink with and where would you take them?

My co-worker and I sat down at a bar last evening next to a lady who had just picked up her father after he passed away and was cremated. She said he had wanted to go to this bar-restaraunt that we were at since it was new and being built but he didnt make it until opening unfortunately. So she was taking him in spirit (and a small tasteful box). So I was thinking about who I would like to take for a drink if you had one shot to do it. I really would like to take my grandfather on my mothers side out for a round of golf and a couple beers off the beer cart along the way. And even though this is not possible, I do remember playing with him when I was younger and when i am out playing now it is fun to reflect on those times and toast him while I am out there.

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